

Page history last edited by Patricia Fumerton 7 years, 2 months ago
The History and Making of Print


Graduate Course - English 236 - Undergraduate Course Art CCS 107 --- Fall 2017

Instructors: Patricia Fumerton and Harry Reese

UC Santa Barbara



  • Wednesdays (11:00 am - 1:50 pm) and Fridays (1:00 pm - 2:50 pm)


  • First Class: South Hall  2510 (Early Modern Center)

  • Subsequent regular classes: Digital Humanities Commons’ Maker Lab (Music Building Room 1404)map-music1404.pdf

  • Other classes by announcement will be in the Department of Arts Papermaking Studio (Arts 0254) and Print Studios (Arts 2235), and the CCS Print Room (Building 494, CCS Room 107) 



  • Patricia Fumerton, Fridays 3 - 4:30 pm. & by appointment, 2506 SH

  • Harry Reese, Wed. 3 - 5 pm. & by appointment, Arts 2228



This is a theoretical, critical, and practical course in print, taught collaboratively by Patricia Fumerton, Department of English, and Harry Reese, Department of Art and Co-Director of Book Arts, CCS. It moves from a short theory and history of print to focus on the practical making of print, from papermaking, to engaging with different typefaces, and setting and printing type on an early 19th-century pull press to machine-operated presses. In the second half of the course, students will team up into groups of three, and together research the ways of printing (how, why, when?) of a particular movement or genre or author and then set and print a page of a) a particular author’s work; b) a particular genre of literature/art/etc.; or c) a movement in printing, such as “concrete” or “shape poetry” (think George Herbert’s “Easter Wings”). In addition, students will write a critical paper (6-10 pp. for undergrads; 10-12 pp. for grads) about how the very making of their printed artifact produces and interacts with an interpretation of what they are individually focusing on. Students will also participate in a last day critique of their made artifact. This course is part of the new "maker" movement in the humanities.


Admission to the course is by permission of the instructors only. The course has already been closed and consists of 9 English, Art, and Art History graduate students.  5 CCS undergraduates, and 1 staff person. Total maximum enrollment for the course: 15 students. English Graduate students may apply to the Graduate Committee to have the course count toward the fulfillment of whatever field they focus on in their special project. (e.g., if you were to focus on Herbert, you might petition to have the course counted as fulfilling the Renaissance Requirement vs. the media/theory one).



Meetings will occur in rooms depending on the activity in which we as a whole or in sub-groups are engaged, but primarily in the Maker Lab (Music 1404) AFTER our first meeting in the Early Modern Center (SH 2510)


Course Requirements: 

All readings will be provided online.


Project Groups:


1.      Casondra Cunningham (CCS), casondra@umail.ucsb.edu

         Sage Gerson (English), sgerson@umail.ucsb.edu

         Lucy Hotsneider (Art), lholtsnider@gmail.com


2.     Madeleine Ignon (Art), madeleineignon@gmail.com

        Marta Faust (Art History), marta_faust@umail.ucsb.edu

        Bailey Clark (Art, CCS), baileyclark1997@gmail.com     


3.     Jessica Zisa (English), jessicazisa@umail.ucsb.edu2510

        Nicole Stark (English), nmastark@gmail.com

        Ashleigh Pillay (CCS), ashleighpillay@umail.ucsb.edu


4.     Jim Logan (Staff, Current), jim.logan@ucsb.edu

         Mary Okin (Art History), marypoe126@yahoo.com

        Maya Zohbi (CCS), zohbi@umail.ucsb.edu


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